The 26-year old Hee-Eun Lee is a grad student in Berlin, Germany at Humboldt-University of Berlin and now studying information systems. She have studied business administration with a focus on information systems for her bachelor’s degree also at Humboldt University and studied abroad in Korea for a year as well. She asked our help to get participants for her survey about smarthome device and the impact of that on power effenciency.
She explained:

For my studies, I’m mostly interested in human computer interaction which is also why I’m focusing on the user perception of smart home users. The results will first of all be used for my master’s thesis. After that and depending on how my professor will grade my thesis, we might want to try to publish it as well. All results will only be used for research purposes.
About the survey she explained:
I’m looking for people who are currently using smart home systems in their homes. My goal is to better understand how smart homes may or may not help users to be more energy efficient and which factors may play a role in the user intention. There are some questions that are quite similar to each other, however they each focus on a slightly different topic. This is due to the underlying research model on which my hypotheses are based on.
Participating in the survey
Filling in the survey will cost you approximately 15 minutes of your time. The survey is available in English and German.
- English: https://umfrage.hu-berlin.de/index.php/698526?lang=en
- German: https://umfrage.hu-berlin.de/index.php/698526?lang=de