eWeLink Web got some nice improvements. We are not sure when eWeLink Web did get the improvements mentioned in this article and whether someone already noticed it, but we believe we need to share our findings with you.
You don’t have eWeLink Web yet and you want to use it? You need to have an eWeLink VIP subscription (e.g. eWeLink Advanced) for this to work. You can either use the in-app feature to sign up (Android app only) or use https://vip.ewelink.cc. In the latter case please allow eWeLink up to 48 hours to manually activate your subscription after your payment.
Demonstration mode
The first thing we encountered was the fact we didn’t see a login screen immediately. Instead of that we were presented a demonstration mode of eWeLink Web:
In this demonstration mode we see 3 devices and a black encouraging us to login to get the full experience. The demonstration mode gives a good insight on the look and feel of eWeLink Web for those not having an eWeLink subscription and considering to buy a subscription to get access to eWeLink Web.
Clicking on any button of any device leads to a popup where you can see which settings for the device you clicked are available:
Advertisement banners can be hidden
Although it is only during the logged in session, you can now hide the advertisement banners at the top of the dashboard.
Device settings
Completely new is the ability to change the device settings at eWeLink Web by clicking on the name of the device. You will presented a dialog like the following below for a Zigbee temperature & humidity sensor:
These are the device settings for a Sonoff TH10:
For the Sonoff TH10 you can set the name, network indicator, inching, temperature unit, enabling/disabling showing on the eWeLink Web dashboard, configure the room and check for firmware upgrades.
These are the device settings for a Sonoff S26:
As you can see you can set the name, turn the network indicator on/off, configure inching mode, enable/disable the presentation on the eWeLink Web dashboard, assign a room and even upgrade the firmware! See the next chapter for more on that.
Update firmware
On eWeLink Web it is now possible to update the firmware of eWeLink supported devices! Click the name of a device to open up the Device Settings dialog and click the download icon at the end of the line with Firmware Upgrade
, right after Newest version available
Then click Confirm
to start upgrading the firmware:
During the firmware upgrade the progress is displayed on the screen. You can decide to hide the progress by clicking on Backend Upgrade
When the upgrade is successfully performed the circle gets colored green and a tick appears. Also a small popup message on the top of eWeLink Web is displayed saying <name device> upgrade success
. You can click upgrade success
to close the dialog:
Plotted graphs for power measurement devices
Power measurements now have the ability to show you a plotted graph of the usage:
Unfortunately we didn’t see this feature for temperature and humidity devices.
RF bridge remotes
For those who missed this: RF bridge remotes are now displayed too at eWeLink Web:
Missed opportunities
We believe the page Device Management could have been easily upgrade with the following nice features:
- Link the device names to either the device operation page or the device settings dialog for that device. We believe the first one is the best solution.
- Link the current / latest version numbers to a dialog where you can update the device (if a firmware upgrade is available).
- Integrate a mass firmware upgrade feature. This would save people a lot of hassle to go by each device one by one to upgrade multiple devices.
- Sorting features. Now the list of device seems to be displayed in a random order that makes it difficult to find a device.
- Device search feature: add a search form to quickly find a device. Although this feature would be good to add to all spots: everywhere on eWeLink Web and the eWeLink iOS & Android apps.
We don’t now the roadmap of eWeLink but ofcourse it could be the case that eWeLink is already working on one or more of the features mentioned above.