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» About us

About us

What we are

This website mainly provides information about releases and betas of the eWeLink app and a list of eWeLink compatible devices. It also provides a Knowledge Base (mostly based on the frequently asked questions asked in the official eWeLink Telegram group) and information on how to volunteer as translator. And doesn’t come your device with a manual or is the manual not very clear? You might find some usefull instructions gathered by the experiences of the community on the Device instructions pages. This and many more eWeLink related things can be found on this website.

This website is not a commercial website and doesn’t sell devices. This is why we only provide simple and as clean as possible images of the devices on the device listings. Also we don’t mention prices. The device listings are intended for inspirational purposes.

Maintained by eWeLink enthusiasts

This website is mainly maintained by Joennuh (Jeroen Maathuis) from The Netherlands (no, not Holland because that are actually 2 provinces of The Netherlands) who is well known from the official eWeLink Telegram group and the eWeLink & Sonoff User Group on Facebook. The original plan was that NeoMod from Italy would also maintain the website but because he works in the medical field and is very busy with helping patients fighting Covid-19 he doesn’t have much time to help maintaining this website. He might be more active in the future. NeoMod doesn’t like having his full name exposed so he will remain quite anonymous with his nickname NeoMod.

We are just eWeLink users and besides that we are eWeLink enthusiasts! We are not affiliated with eWeLink / Coolkit and are not representatives of eWeLink. We can have critical notes about eWeLink and eWeLink capable devices too!

We have met each other on the eWeLink official Telegram group around the end of december 2019 / beginning of january 2020. NeoMod mainly maintains the eWeHelper bot on Telegram which greets and helps new Telegram users on the eWeLink official Telegram group. Joennuh provides him feedback on this bot to improve the bot.

Because of the lack of a list of eWeLink supported devices Joennuh came up with the idea to start a non-commercial website to build a community gathered list of eWeLink supported devices. NeoMod added the idea of a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list. Because of to little spare time for NeoMod it was eventually Joennuh who maintained the website. Because NeoMod works as a medic in Italy he wasn’t able to maintain either the Telegram bot and website. Joennuh took care of the maintenance of the website. The Telegram bot couldn’t be maintaned by Joennuh but Joennuh started to write a new bot. Nowadays both Joennuh and NeoMod working together on a new bot (August 2020).

Sponsored webhosting

The domainname is owned by Joennuh. Because of insufficient budget for webhosting a few other users of the eWeLink official Telegram group offered webhosting free of charge. The current hosting was the first and best offer. The owner of the webhosting want to be anonymous and only wants to be mentioned with his upcoming website name: Ghiyath. When his website is ready we will link to his website ofcourse! He provides webhosting free of charge for some good communities and friends. We appreciate this very much and want to thank him very much for this!

The webhosting is located at Los Angeles, USA.

Not maintained by eWeLink

This website is not maintained or hosted by eWeLink itself and eWeLink is not responsible for the content on this website. This website reflects the viewpoint of eWeLink users and not eWeLink as a company or the manufacturers of the eWeLink supported devices. Nor does this website reflect any policy of eWeLink or the manufacturers of the eWeLink supported devices.


We are not responsible for any damage caused by the information placed on this website and the damage caused by using the information on this website. Everything you decide to do with the information on this website is at your own risk!