I can proudly announce we’re back online! The downtime is over for now. The same goes for our silence (although not completely). You might wonder what exactly happened. Well… A lot! Long story short: servers of sponsored webhosting that weren’t able to serve the website well and busy at work + education. In this article I will explain what happened. This article is written by me, Jeroen Maathuis, the owner of the website.
March 1, 2022
After a few months of preparation I started a work and learn journey of 44 business hours a week. This consist of 4,5 days practice and 1 day theory. Aside of these hours I have about 1,5 to 2 hours travel time in a single direction. So about 3 to 4 hours in total each business day. You can imagine this takes up a lot of time and energy. As this work and education is important to me I gave less priority to the eWeLink Community Website.
May 1, 2022
The first sponsor of this website (Ghiyath) did a good job for a long time, but had difficulties to serve my website well. Together we tried several solutions to overcome server issues and all worked fine for a while each time, but ended up in new issues. On May 1st, 2022 I decided to follow up the recommendation of Ghiyath to apply for sponsored VPS of a new webhosting company. They accepted the request and provided a nice VPS (Virtual Private Server).
Because of my work and education I didn’t have much time to install and configure the VPS and Ghiyath was of great help to me by offering to do this for me.
August 2, 2022
I received an email of the latest sponsor that the services were due for renewal in 3 days. Due database issues the website was not running correctly. Combine that with the fact that I had to short of spare time. So I was unable to commit to the sponsorship deal and they said without hestitation that will end the sponsorship. There was no mercy and empathy for my situation.
Before this moment the website was already badly available. Mainly because of a resource intensive spamfilter on the server. Together with to short of spare time for the website I didn’t feel like to spend to much time in resolving the issues and putting articles on the website.
August 5, 2022
After some talk with my first sponsor and still helping hand Ghiyath I decided to buy hosting at my preferred webhosting company: TransIP. At the beginning of the website I couldn’t afford this, but now that I am employed again I am able to afford the costs of shared hosting. And TransIP already offers great service to other websites of mine and organisations I maintain websites for. Good uptime and quick responses to tickets. Combined with their own built controlpanel with good support for recent technical innovations. This is a personal opinion and not a sponsorship deal. TransIP is not involved nor endorsed in the eWeLink Community Website. They do not sponsor this website.

August 6, 2022
I tried to recover the website from a backup that was as recent as possible. Unfortunately due the server issues in the past also backups were not complete. In the end the website mainly got recovered from backups of May 17, 2022. So accounts created after this date might have gone lost. If your account has get lost I ask you to create a new account. I am sorry for any inconvience this might cause to you.
August 7, 2022 (today, the day of publicizing this article)
Today I updated a few website plugins and configured a few things. I monitored the website a while and so far it seems to run stable. I feel a bit better now about this.
Looking forward
I don’t know yet how the website will perform and be maintained in the future, but I truly hope to fill the website again with new news articles and interesting new products. Be aware though that because of my little spare time the website might keep less up-to-date then before.
Although I am able to pay the webhosting myself I’m considering to open PayPal donations. I haven’t decided on this yet. However: feel free to contact me on the contact form if you are willing to offer help in any format.