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Link 2 scenes to schortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard

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eWeLink Keyboard was released on June 11th, 2021 and can be downloaded at It allows users to press on a keyboard shortcut to easily perform a range of actions on eWeLink supported devices. The application is available to Windows PC’s and a Mac OS version is in the works (status of June 14th, 2021).

This tutorial explains how to link 2 scenes to shortcuts to create an alternating effect on 4 lights connected to a 4-gang switch such as a Sonoff 4CHPROR3.


This article is quite long! We recommend you to read this article on a PC, laptop or tablet!


We start with:

Then we explain our goal:

Then we make the required scenes:

Then we configure the eWeLink Keyboard application:

Then we need to create a link between the scenes and the shortcuts:

And then we explain how to use the eWeLink Keyboard application to operate the scenes:

And at the end:


We asume you know how to use the eWeLink app and pair the 4-gang switch to it.

Then you will need to have an eWeLink VIP subscription to unlock the full potential of eWeLink Keyboard. With a subscription you can have 6 active shortcuts. With the free version of eWeLink you can only have 1 active shortcut. You can view the other benefits of an eWeLink VIP subscription here: What are the benefits of the eWeLink subscriptions plans? And how to subscribe can be found here: How can I subscribe for a subscription plan?

At last you need to download the eWeLink Keyboard application from You may want to install it in advanced to the steps of the tutorial below. Configuring will be explained below in this tutorial.

Situation example

We want to be able to alternate the light with the shortcuts on the computer. You can see it in schematic below:

Odd connections on

KB: eWeLink Keyboard tutorial - odd connections on (schematic)

We will use the button combination CTRL + SHIFT + 1 to turn the odd connections (1 and 3) on and the even connections (2 and 4) off.

Even connections on

With the button combination CTRL + SHIFT + 2 we want to turn the odd connections (1 and 3) off and the even connections (2 and 4) on.

Setup scene for odd gangs

Let’s begin with the odd gangs to turn them on with a scene. The even ones will go off in this scene.

Step 1

  • On the start screen of the eWeLink app tap Scene at the bottom bar.
Link 2 scenes to schortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: start screen
Tap “Scene”

Step 2

  • On the Scene screen tap the plus-sign at the upper right corner to add a new scene.
Link 2 scenes to schortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: scene screen
Tap the plus-sign to add a new scene

Step 3

  • Tap Add below If.
Link 2 scenes to schortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: add scene screen
Tap “Add”

Step 4

  • Tap Tap to perform.
    • This will create a manual scene.
Link 2 scenes to schortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: scene set trigger screen
Tap “Tap to perform”

Step 5

  • Once you are back on the scene Add screen you need to tap on Add below Then.
Link 2 scenes to schortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: scene add screen with Tap to perform trigger
Tap “Add”

Step 6

  • Tap Smart Device.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: scene Add Action screen
Tap “Smart Device”

Step 7

  • Select a device for the action.
    • In our example we use SP: 4-gang switch.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: select device for action
Select a device for the action

Step 8

  • Choose the correct action of your device.
    • In our example we need to choose the desired changes for each channel. Tap Channel1 or Keep after that name.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: unmodified channel actions 4-channel device
Tap “Channel1”

Step 9

  • Choose the action ON. A checkmark will be shown at the end of the line.
  • Then press Save.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: Channel1 on 4-gang device to On
First tap “ON”
After choosing an action tap “Save”

Step 10

  • Repeat step 8 and 9 for Channel3.
  • Then proceed to step 11.

Step 11

  • Repeat step 8 and 9 for Channel2 and Channel4, but now choose OFF as action.
  • Then proceed to step 12.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: Channel1 on 4-gang device to Off
First tap “OFF”
After choosing an action tap “Save”

Step 12

  • Your 4-gang switch action overview should now look like our screenshot shown on the right (desktop) or below (mobile). You see the actions are alternating: ON, OFF, ON, OFF.
  • Tap Save.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: odd channels on actions 4-channel device
Tap “Save”

Step 13

  • Your scene Add screen should now look like our screenshot on the right (desktop) or below (mobile).
  • Tap Save.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: complete scene at scene Add screen for odd gangs
Tap “Save”

Step 14

  • Fill in a name for the scene after Name.
    • We named it 4-gang odd in our example.
  • Tap Save.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: give a name to the scene for the odd gangs
First fill in a name
After providing a name tap “Save”

Setting up the scene for odd gangs is now complete.

Setup scene for even gangs

Now we create a sceneto turn the even gangs on and the the odd ones off.

Step 1

  • On the start screen of the eWeLink app tap Scene at the bottom bar.
Link 2 scenes to schortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: start screen
Tap “Scene”

Step 2

  • On the Scene screen tap the plus-sign at the upper right corner to add a new scene.
Link 2 scenes to schortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: scene screen
Tap the plus-sign to add a new scene

Step 3

  • Tap Add below If.
Link 2 scenes to schortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: add scene screen
Tap “Add”

Step 4

  • Tap Tap to perform.
    • This will create a manual scene.
Link 2 scenes to schortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: scene set trigger screen
Tap “Tap to perform”

Step 5

  • Once you are back on the scene Add screen you need to tap on Add below Then.
Link 2 scenes to schortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: scene add screen with Tap to perform trigger
Tap “Add”

Step 6

  • Tap Smart Device.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: scene Add Action screen
Tap “Smart Device”

Step 7

  • Select a device for the action.
    • In our example we use SP: 4-gang switch.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: select device for action
Select a device for the action

Step 8

  • Choose the correct action of your device.
    • In our example we need to choose the desired changes for each channel. Tap Channel1 or Keep after that name.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: unmodified channel actions 4-channel device
Tap “Channel1”

Step 9

  • Choose the action OFF. A checkmark will be shown at the end of the line.
  • Then press Save.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: Channel1 on 4-gang device to Off
First tap “OFF”
After choosing an action tap “Save”

Step 10

  • Repeat step 8 and 9 for Channel3.
  • Then proceed to step 11.

Step 11

  • Repeat step 8 and 9 for Channel2 and Channel4, but now choose ON as action.
  • Then proceed to step 12.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: Channel1 on 4-gang device to On
First tap “ON”
After choosing an action tap “Save”

Step 12

  • Your 4-gang switch action overview should now look like our screenshot shown on the right (desktop) or below (mobile). You see the actions are alternating: OFF, ON, OFF, ON.
  • Tap Save.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: even channels on actions 4-channel device
Tap “Save”

Step 13

  • Your scene Add screen should now look like our screenshot on the right (desktop) or below (mobile).
  • Tap Save.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: complete scene at scene Add screen for even gangs
Tap “Save”

Step 14

  • Fill in a name for the scene after Name.
    • We named it 4-gang even in our example.
  • Tap Save.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: give a name to the scene for the even gangs
First fill in a name
After providing a name tap “Save”

Setting up the scene for even gangs is now complete.

Configuring eWeLink Keyboard application

Now that we have configured the 2 scenes we want to operate with keyboard shortcuts we can start configuring the eWeLink Keyboard application.

Step 1

After you have installed eWeLink Keyboard you will be asked to login with your eWeLink account credentials. Use the same as the one you use for the eWeLink app on your smartphone.

  • Choose the country you use at creating your eWeLink account.
  • Fill in your eWeLink account username.
  • Fill in your eWeLink account password.
  • After filling in your credentials click Log in.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: login to eWeLink Keyboard
Fill in your eWeLink account username
Fill in your eWeLink account password
After filling in your credentials click “Log in”
Choose the country you use at creating your eWeLink account

Step 2

After you logged in on the eWeLink Keyboard application you can have 2 different looks of the application. It depends on what type of subscription you have on your account: a Free account or an (paid) Advanced subscription. Having a Free account affects this tutorial a little bit in a negative way because it limits you to only 1 shortcut. With an Advanced subscription you can use all 6 available slots.

In below substeps you can see how the eWeLink Keyboard application looks like with the different subscription types. At step 3 we assume you have an eWeLink Advanced subscription.

Step 2 – Free account (1/2)

At the right (desktop) or below this text (mobile) you can see how the eWeLink Keyboard application looks like with a Free account subscription.

  • Only 1 slot is available to create a Keyboard shortcut to a scene.
  • You can click Unlock to go to the eWeLink VIP subscription payment page and buy your eWeLink Advanced subscription.
  • Mouse over your account name to see the account menu.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: look of application with Free account
Only 1 slot is available with an eWeLink Free account
Click “Unlock” to go the eWeLink VIp subscription payment page
Mouseover your account name to see the account menu.

Step 2 – Free account (2/2)

This is how the account menu looks like with an eWeLink Free account.

  • Click Upgrade to advanced plan now to go to the eWeLink VIP payment page to buy your eWeLink Advanced subscription.
  • You can click Switch account to logout and login with a different eWeLink account.
  • You can click Quit eWeLink Keyboard to completely close the application.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: account menu with Free account
Click “Switch account” to logout and login with a different account
Click “Quit eWeLink Keyboard” to completely close the application
Click “Upgrade to advanced plan now” to go to eWeLink VIP payment page

Step 2 – Advanced account (1/2)

At the right (desktop) or below this text (mobile) you can see how the eWeLink Keyboard application looks like with a Advanced account subscription.

  • All 6 slots are available to create Keyboard shortcuts to a scenes.
  • Mouse over your account name to see the account menu.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: look of application with Advanced account
All 6 slots are available with an eWeLink Advanced account
Mouseover your account name to see the account menu.

Step 2 – Advanced account (2/2)

This is how the account menu looks like with an eWeLink Free account.

  • The date after Expire on is the date on which your current subscription will expire if you decided to not extend the subscription.
  • Click View more advanced benefits to go to the eWeLink VIP payment page to see all benefits of an eWeLink Advanced subscription and/or to extend your subscription.
  • You can click Switch account to logout and login with a different eWeLink account.
  • You can click Quit eWeLink Keyboard to completely close the application.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: account menu with Advanced account
Click “Switch account” to logout and login with a different account
Click “Quit eWeLink Keyboard” to completely close the application
Click “View more advanced benefits” to go to eWeLink VIP payment page
After “Expire date” the expiration date of the current subscription is shown

Step 3

Now we start assigning shortcuts to 2 slots.

  • In the box that has a black 1 in a gray triangle in the upper left corner click the form field after Open eWeLink app to link manual scenes . Then press the keyboard combination you want to use for that slot.
    • In our example we pressed CTRL + SHIFT + 1. The combination will be displayed in the form field. and the enable button will switch to the on state.
  • Repeat above step at slot 2 and now use another button combination.
    • We used CTRL + SHIFT + 2.
  • Now press the button Refresh to be sure that all changes will be saved to thecloud and will be visible in the eWeLink app.
  • You can close the application to the notification tray of your operating system with a click on the X icon.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: assigning shortcuts
Click in the form field and use another button combination you want to use
Click the form field and and press the button combination you want to use
After assigning shortcuts press “Refresh” to save the changes to the cloud
You can close the application to the notification tray with a click on the “X” icon

Configuring the eWeLink Keyboard application is now complete.

You might want to return to the app later to have an overview of the assigned scenes to the slots and see status messages whether a shortcut has been executed succesfully.

Now that we have setup the scenes and keyboard shortcuts we have to link them to each other. The linking ca be done at the eWeLink app.

Step 1

  • eWeLink Keyboard shows up with a little icon that looks like 2 slashes. Within the left slash you see Ctrl+ and within the right slash you see an e and a symbol of eWeLink.
  • It also shows the computername on which you have setup eWeLink Keyboard.
  • Tap one of both to go to the linking screen.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: eWeLink Keyboard showing up at the eWeLink app
This symbol indicates a eWeLink Keyboard instance
Here the computername of the computer that holds the eWeLink Keyboard installation is shown
Tap the item to go to the linking screen

Step 2

  • On the linking screen you can already see the keyboard shortcuts you have setup at the eWeLink Keyboard application. In this example Ctrl+Shift+1 at slot 1 and Ctrl+Shift+2 at slot 2.
  • The name of the computer holding these keyboard shortcuts is shown at the top left.
  • Now tap the bar of slot 1 (the one with Ctrl+Shift+1).
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: linking screen without linked scenes
The keyboard shortcuts you have setup at the eWeLink Keyboard application are shown here
The name of the computer holding these keyboard shortcuts is shown here
Tap the bar of slot 1 to link the first scene

Step 3

  • Tap the scene you want to link.
    • In our example we now choose 4-gang odd.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: linking screen
Choose the scene you want to link

Step 4

  • A checkmark will appear after the selected scene.
  • Tap Save.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: linking screen with 1 scene selected
A checkmark will appear after the selected scene
Tap “Save”

Step 5

  • The icon and name of the selected scene now will show up in the overview of linked scenes.
  • Tap the bar of slot 2.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: linking screen with 1 linked scene
The icon and name of the selected scene will show up in the linking overview
Tap the bar of slot 2

Step 6

  • In the linking screen you can now see that the link we have setup before now has an Linked indication. This help you to identify which scenes are already linked.
  • Tap the second scene you want to link.
    • In our example we choose 4-gang even.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: linking screen with 1 scene linked
The “Linked” indication helps you to identify scenes that has already been linked
Tap the second scene you want to link

Step 7

  • A checkmark will appear after the selected scene.
  • Tap Save.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: linking screen with 1 scene linked and another one selected
A checkmark will appear after the selected scene
Tap “Save”

Step 8

  • Now both scenes we created in this tutorial are linked.
  • After saving a scene linkage a toad message with Success is shown.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: linking screen without 2 linked scenes
After saving a scene linkage a toad message with “Success” is shown

Linking the scenes from the eWeLink app to the shortcuts at the eWeLink Keyboard application is now complete.

Using eWeLink Keyboard

Now you are ready to use the keyboard shortcuts.

Step 1

  • It doesn’t matter whether you leave the eWeLink Keyboard application opened or closed to the system tray: the keyboard shortcuts will keep on working as ling as you leave the application open in either the forground or background. To minimize to the system tray you can click the X icon in the upper right corner. The advantage of leaving the application open is that you can see status messages (see step 3).
  • If the linked scenes do not show up you might need to click the Refresh button at the top of the application.
  • Now press the buttons CTRL + SHIFT + 1 on your keyboard all together.
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: eWeLink Keyboard application with linked scenes
If the linked scenes do not show up click the “Refresh” button
Press CTRL + SHIFT + 1 all together on your keboard
To minimize the application to the system tray you can click the “X” button in the upper right corner

Step 2

  • You will see that the odd lights (1 and 3) connected to the 4-gang switch will light up.
KB: eWeLink Keyboard tutorial - odd connections on (schematic)
Light 1 went on
Light 2 went off
Light 3 went on
Light 4 went off

Step 3

  • Now press CTRL + SHIFT + 2 all together on your keyboard.
  • If the scene gets executed succesfully and you left the eWeLink Keyboard application open you will see a toad message saying Scene performed succesfully..
KB: Link 2 scenes to shortcuts in eWeLink Keyboard: eWeLink Keyboard application with linked scenes and toad messages "Scene executed"
A toad message confirms the execution of the scene
Press CTRL + SHIFT + 2 all together on your keboard
Mouseover your account name to see the account menu.

Step 4

  • You now will see that the odd lights (1 and 3) went off.
  • You will also see the even lights (2 and 4) went on.
KB: eWeLink Keyboard tutorial - even connections on (schematic)
Light 1 went off
Light 2 went on
Light 3 went off
Light 4 went on

You now know how to operate your eWeLink supported devices with your computer keyboard.

All steps completed


You have completed all steps to use eWeLink Keyboard to let 4 light light up alternating!
You can create 4 more shortcuts with an eWeLink VIP subscription.

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