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Sonoff & eWeLink community website giveaway! Win 1 of the 5 Sonoff MINIR2’s!

Sonoff Christmas discount campaign 1920x180
Valid period:Untill Friday 20 November 2020 18:00 (UTC+8) / 10:00 (UTC / GMT) / 5:00 AM (EST)
Organized by:Sonoff, in collaboration with the eWeLink community website
Prizes to win:5x Sonoff MINIR2

As announced at the launch of the updated website here you find our first official giveaway of the eWeLink community website! Or actually it is organized by Sonoff in collaboration with the eWeLink community website! With the giveaway we celebrate the launch of the new eWeLink community website. And Sonoff wants to take this opportunity to inform you that they give great discounts on many Sonoff products at this moment during their Christmas Discount campaign: go check out that discount! That’s why we included 2 banners of Sonoff at this news article and some other banners on various spots of the website.

You can win 1 of the 5 Sonoff MINIR2’s that Sonoff offers for this giveaway! It is the successor of the very popular Sonoff MINI and now has an internal antenna (instead of external) and a clear distinguishing gray color terminal block for the low voltage switch connection. Find more information on our Device lists: Sonoff MINIR2

How to participate in the giveaway?

Go to the Facebook page of Sonoff and share the giveaway post with your friends! You will find the post below in this article too. Please remember to share the post publicly! Shares that weren’t set to public can not be checked by Sonoff. Link to the post to share:

The giveaway ends on Friday 20 November 2020 at 18:00 / 6:00 PM (UTC+8, China time). That is at 10:00 AM at London and 5:00 AM at New York. After that moment Sonoff will choose the winners. Sonoff will also take care of writing down the addresses of the winners and sending the price to the winners. We will announce the winners on the eWeLink community website too.

Product information

Sonoff MINIR2: top, left, front

Sonoff MINIR2

  • Can be easily built in in a switch box behind a normal switch.
  • Normal switches can still be used.
  • Two way setup possible.
  • Supports DIY mode which has a REST API.

Sonoff Christmas discount campaign 1920x180
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