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Add devices to an eWeLink widget on the iOS Today View

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To quickly access actions on some eWeLink devices you can add devices to an eWeLink widget on the iOS Today view. This article describes how to do that.


The screenshots in this Knowledge Base article are provided by fellow community member Jens Kallert, member of the oficial eWeLink Telegram group.
  • Swipe from left to right to get to the most left screen. This is the iOS Today View.
  • Scroll to the bottom.
  • Tap the Edit button. The iOS Today View will scroll to the top and all widgets will start jiggle.
  • Scroll to the bottom again.
  • Tap Customize.
  • Scroll down to eWeLink-Device Shortcuts with a green button in front of it and tap it to add it.
  • To delete the eWeLink widget from the iOS Today View tap the button with the name eWeLink-Device Shortcuts.
  • Scroll to the top of the list. Rearrange the order of the widgets if desired by dragging the rearrange icon .
  • Tap Done at the upper right corner.
  • You can now rearrange widgets more visually by dragging a jiggling widget to the spot where you want to have the widget. You can delete a widget by pressing the gray button at the upper right corner of a widget.
  • After rearranging the widgets tap Done at the upper right corner.
  • Proceed to the instructions below to add devices to the widgets from within the eWeLink app.

To see a more visual presentation of the instructions above you can watch this video by “Do!” on YouTube: It is a generic instruction and thus doesn’t show eWeLink on the lists.

Step 1

  • Go to the Profile screen
eWeLink widget on iOS Today View: Profile screen of eWeLink app
Got to the “Profile” screen

Step 2

  • Scroll a bit to the bottom.
  • Tap Widgets.
eWeLink widget on iOS Today View: Widgets on Profile screen of eWeLink app
Tap “Widgets”

Step 3

  • In the Device Widgets section you can see the currently configured devices for the eWeLink widget on the iOS Today View.
  • Tap Add to manage the devices for the widget.
eWeLink widget on iOS Today View: already added devices to widget
Tap “Add” to manage the devices for the widget.

Step 4

  • Tap on the button in front of a device at the No Device shortcuts created section to add it to the eWeLink widget on the iOS Today View. You can add as many devices as fits on 2 rows on the eWeLink widget on the iOS Today View. This can vary per display size and resolution.
  • Tap on the button in front of a device at the Device shortcuts already created section to delete a device from the eWeLink widget on the iOS Today View.
  • Drag the rearrange button of a device to change the order of the devices on the eWeLink widget for the iOS Today View.
  • Tap Save to save the changes.
eWeLink widget on iOS Today View: Manage devices for eWeLink widget
Tap a device you want to add to the widget
Tap the delete icon to remove a device from the widget
Drag the rearrange icon to change the order of the devices on the widget

The eWeLink widget on the iOS Today View can have 2 states: a collapsed view and an expanded view. Below are examples of the 2 states. You can toggle between the 2 states by pessing the arrow icon in the upper right corner of the eWeLink widget.

Collapsed state

eWeLink widget on iOS Today View: collapsed state
If enough devices are added an expand arrow will show here. Tap it to expand.

Expanded state

eWeLink widget on iOS Today View: expanded state
Tap the arrow icon again to collapse.

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