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Sonoff MS01

The Sonoff MS01 is a soil moisture sensor. It enables you to keep track of the moisture in your soil outside or at potted plants. It also enables you to automate tasks (e.g. watering) based on the moisture value measured.

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The Sonoff MS01 is a soil moisture sensor. It enables you to keep track of the moisture in your soil outside or at potted plants. It also enables you to automate tasks (e.g. watering) based on the moisture value measured.

  • Measures moisture value in the soil.
  • IP55 waterproof
  • Capacitive sensor
  • Requires a device with sensor port like the Sonoff TH10, Sonoff TH16 or Zeast TS-5000.
  • Shows the moisture value at the eWeLink app and many third party services (e.g. Google Home, Google Assistant, SmartThings, Amazon Alexa)
Dimensions 130 × 30 × 13 mm

Power supply

Sensor type


Humidity range



Manufacturer: ITEAD


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